Presente Perfecto

Aquí encontrarás toda la información sobre el presente perfecto, su estructura, formas afirmativas, negativas, interrogativas y algunos ejemplos.

El presente perfecto tiene dos elementos: el verbo auxiliar have (presente) y el participio pasado del verbo principal. El participio pasado de un verbo regular es raíz + ed, por ejemplo: played, arrived, looked. Para los verbos irregulares, véase la Tabla de verbos irregulares más abajo.

Por ejemplo:

  • He has lived there this year.
  • We have written three letters this month.
  • You have worked there since you graduated school.

El presente perfecto se utiliza para describir

Actividades realizadas durante un periodo que aún no ha terminado. Ha ido al cine dos veces esta semana (= la semana aún no ha terminado)

  • I have worked hard this week.
  • It has rained a lot this year.
  • We haven’t seen her today.

Acciones o situacionesiniciadas en el pasado y que continúan en el presente. Vivo en Quito desde 2012 (= aún vivo allí).

  • We haven’t lived here for years.
  • He has worked in the Pharmacy for some years.
  • They have had the same book for five years.

Acción repetida en un tiempo indeterminado entre el pasado y el presente. Han visitado España varias veces. (= no sabemos cuánto tiempo)

  • It has happened several times.
  • He has visited them frequently.
  • They have eaten at that restaurant many times.

Eventos que ha concluido en el pasado muy reciente, indicado por justo.

  • You have just finished work.
  • I have just eaten my food.
  • They have just seen her.

Una actividad para la que el momento preciso en que tuvo lugar no es importante. Ha leído Juego de Tronos. (= lo relevante es el resultado de la acción).

  • Someone has eaten my soup!
  • You have seen World of Warcraft.
  • She‘s studied Spanish, French, and English.

Presente perfecto con adverbiales de tiempo

  • Astronauts have recently discovered a new planet.
  • We have just got back from our vacation.
  • They only just have bought a new car this week.

Reglas para just, already and yet

They’ve just bought their food for this moth.

We’ve already spent my salary for this year.

You haven’t paid it back yet.

Usamos already para decir que algo está terminado, a menudo antes de lo que esperábamos.

Se usa just para decir que algo ha sucedido hace poco tiempo.

Se usa not + yet para decir que algo está terminado.

Forma afirmativa

Estructura de las oraciones afirmativas

Aquí utilizamos la forma de participio pasado de los verbos, ya sean regulares o irregulares.

En la tercera (3ª) persona del singular, utilizamos el verbo auxiliar has.

For example:

  • They‘ve been married for nearly fifty years.
  • She’s lived in London all her life.
  • I‘ve seen that film this year.
  • We‘ve played the guitar ever since I was a teenager.
  • He’s written three books, and he is working on another one.

Forma negativa

Estructura de las frases negativas

Aquí utilizamos la forma de participio pasado de los verbos, ya sean regulares o irregulares. En la forma negativa, usamos el auxiliar have + not.

En la tercera (3ª) persona del singular, utilizamos el verbo auxiliar has + not.

For example:

  • We have not opened the door this month.
  • She has not gone home this month.
  • They have not woken up early this year.
  • You have never been here this week.
  • I have never studied for the exam this month.


Estructura de las preguntas

Cuando queremos hacer preguntas, utilizamos la misma estructura para las oraciones afirmativas. Sólo añadimos el auxiliar have para 1ª, 2ª persona del singular, y 1ª, 2ª y 3ª del plural, o has 3ª persona del singular al principio de las frases. Además, añadimos un signo de interrogación al final de la frase. También, la palabra ever entre el sujeto y el verbo. El verbo está en la forma base.

For example:

  • Have you ever met Juan?
    Yes, but I‘ve never met his wife.

  • Where have you been before?
    I‘ve just been out to the cinema.

  • Have you ever seen a ghost?
    No, I‘ve only done my history.

En resumen

Aquí podemos ver un resumen de todas las estructuras del presente perfecto.


Forma afirmativa

  • She has walked to school every day this week.
  • They have played soccer regularly this season.
  • He has read the newspaper every morning this month.
  • The cat has slept on the couch all week.
  • I have eaten breakfast at 7 a.m. every day this week.
  • The sun has risen early every morning this month.
  • She has written several letters to her friend this year.
  • We have cooked dinner together every Friday.
  • The dog has barked at strangers several times this month.
  • He has driven to work every day this week.
  • The store has opened at 9 a.m. every day this month.
  • My mom has made delicious cookies many times this year.
  • They have studied for their exams every night this week.
  • She has taught math at the high school for several years.
  • We have visited our grandparents twice this year.
  • He has worked at a bank for five years.
  • The teacher has explained the lesson clearly this semester.
  • I have watched TV every evening this week.
  • The flowers have bloomed beautifully this spring.
  • She has cleaned the house every Saturday this month.
  • We have exercised at the gym regularly this year.
  • The baby has cried when he’s hungry many times this month.
  • He has enjoyed playing the guitar for years.
  • They have sung in the choir for several months.
  • She has painted several beautiful landscapes this year.
  • I have learned new words every day this week.
  • The clock has ticked loudly every day this week.
  • We have celebrated birthdays with a party this year.
  • The chef has prepared the meal for every event this month.
  • He has attended meetings regularly this year.
  • The children have played in the park often this month.
  • She has bought groceries every Saturday this year.
  • We have taken a walk after dinner almost every night.
  • The train has arrived on time every day this week.
  • He has spoken three languages for years.
  • They have written emails to their clients frequently this year.
  • She has enjoyed reading novels for many years.
  • I have drunk coffee every morning this month.
  • The birds have sung in the trees often this spring.
  • We have taken photos on every vacation this year.
  • He has liked to swim in the pool for many summers.
  • The bus has stopped at the corner every day this month.
  • She has knitted sweaters for her family for several winters.
  • We have traveled to different countries this year.
  • The kids have done their homework regularly this month.
  • He has played the piano beautifully for years.
  • The lights have shone brightly at every party this year.
  • She has cooked dinner for us many times this year.
  • We have enjoyed outdoor activities frequently this year.
  • The cat has chased the laser pointer often this month.

Forma negativa

  • She has not walked to school today.
  • They have not played soccer this week.
  • He has not read the newspaper this morning.
  • The cat has not slept on the couch all day.
  • I have not eaten breakfast yet.
  • The sun has not risen late today.
  • She has not written a letter to her friend.
  • We have not cooked dinner together this week.
  • The dog has not barked at strangers today.
  • He has not driven to work this week.
  • The store has not opened on time today.
  • My mom has not made cookies recently.
  • They have not studied for their exams.
  • She has not taught math at the high school this year.
  • We have not visited our grandparents recently.
  • He has not worked at a bank for five years.
  • The teacher has not explained the lesson clearly today.
  • I have not watched TV this evening.
  • The flowers have not bloomed yet this spring.
  • She has not cleaned the house this week.
  • We have not exercised at the gym recently.
  • The baby has not cried today.
  • He has not enjoyed playing the guitar recently.
  • They have not sung in the choir this year.
  • She has not painted landscapes this month.
  • I have not learned new words today.
  • The clock has not ticked consistently all day.
  • We have not celebrated birthdays with a party this year.
  • The chef has not prepared the meal yet.
  • He has not attended meetings regularly.
  • The children have not played in the park this week.
  • She has not bought groceries recently.
  • We have not taken a walk after dinner recently.
  • The train has not arrived on time today.
  • He has not spoken at conferences this year.
  • They have not written emails to their clients this week.
  • She has not enjoyed reading novels recently.
  • I have not drunk coffee today.
  • The birds have not sung in the trees this spring.
  • We have not taken photos on our vacation yet.
  • He has not liked swimming in the pool this summer.
  • The bus has not stopped at the corner today.
  • She has not knitted sweaters for her family this year.
  • We have not traveled to different countries recently.
  • The kids have not done their homework today.
  • He has not played the piano beautifully recently.
  • The lights have not shone brightly at the party.
  • She has not cooked dinner for us this week.
  • We have not enjoyed outdoor activities this summer.
  • The cat has not chased the laser pointer today.

Preguntas Afirmativas

  1. Have you ever visited Paris?
  2. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
  3. Has she finished her homework?
  4. Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t.
  5. Have they seen that movie?
  6. Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t.
  7. Have we met before?
  8. Yes, we have. / No, we haven’t.
  9. Have you eaten breakfast today?
  10. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
  11. Has it stopped raining yet?
  12. Yes, it has. / No, it hasn’t.
  13. Have you ever tried sushi?
  14. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
  15. Has he called you today?
  16. Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.
  17. Have you ever been to New York?
  18. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
  19. Have they completed the project?
  20. Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t.
  21. Have you read that book yet?
  22. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
  23. Has your brother passed the exam?
  24. Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.
  25. Have they visited their grandparents recently?
  26. Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t.
  27. Have you ever seen a ghost?
  28. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
  29. Has she gone to the gym today?
  30. Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t.
  31. Have we already discussed this issue?
  32. Yes, we have. / No, we haven’t.
  33. Have you ever traveled by plane?
  34. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
  35. Has it snowed this winter?
  36. Yes, it has. / No, it hasn’t.
  37. Have you bought the tickets?
  38. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
  39. Has he ever been to London?
  40. Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.
  41. Have they cleaned the house?
  42. Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t.
  43. Have you written the report yet?
  44. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
  45. Has she ever sung in public?
  46. Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t.
  47. Have we finished our work?
  48. Yes, we have. / No, we haven’t.
  49. Have you ever gone skiing?
  50. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

Preguntas Wh

  1. What have you eaten today?
    I have eaten a sandwich and some fruit.

  2. Where have you traveled recently?
    I have traveled to Peru.

  3. When have you finished your homework?
    I have finished my homework already.

  4. Why have you chosen this career?
    I have chosen this career because I am passionate about it.

  5. Who have you met this week?
    I have met several new colleagues.

  6. How have you improved your English skills?
    I have improved my English skills by practicing daily.

  7. What have they done to help the community?
    They have organized several charity events.

  8. Where have you put my keys?
    I have put your keys on the kitchen table.

  9. When have you last seen your best friend?
    I have last seen my best friend last month.

  10. Why have you decided to learn a new language?
    I have decided to learn a new language to expand my opportunities.

  11. Who has visited your house recently?
    My aunt has visited my house recently.

  12. How have you celebrated your birthday this year?
    I have celebrated my birthday with a small party.

  13. What have you learned in your last class?
    I have learned about the history of art.

  14. Where have you bought your new shoes?
    I have bought my new shoes at the mall.

  15. When have you received your last paycheck?
    I have received my last paycheck two weeks ago.

  16. Why have they canceled the meeting?
    They have canceled the meeting due to scheduling conflicts.

  17. Who has helped you with your project?
    My teacher has helped me with my project.

  18. How have you been feeling lately?
    I have been feeling great!

  19. What have you done to stay healthy?
    I have been exercising regularly and eating well.

  20. Where have they gone for their vacation?
    They have gone to the mountains for their vacation.

  21. When have you tried a new restaurant?
    I have tried a new restaurant last week.

  22. Why have you chosen this book to read?
    I have chosen this book because it has great reviews.

  23. Who has inspired you the most in your life?
    My parents have inspired me the most.

  24. How have they managed to finish the project on time?
    They have worked extra hours to finish the project on time.

  25. What have you done to prepare for the exam?
    I have studied and reviewed my notes.

  26. Where have you seen that movie?
    I have seen that movie at the cinema.

  27. When have you visited your grandparents?
    I have visited my grandparents last weekend.

  28. Why have you applied for that job?
    I have applied for that job because it matches my skills.

  29. Who has given you the best advice?
    My mentor has given me the best advice.

  30. How have you celebrated your achievements?
    I have celebrated my achievements with friends and family.

  31. What have you discovered about yourself lately?
    I have discovered that I am more resilient than I thought.

  32. Where have you spent your holidays this year?
    I have spent my holidays at the beach.

  33. When have you attended a concert?
    I have attended a concert last month.

  34. Why have they decided to move to a new city?
    They have decided to move to a new city for better job opportunities.

  35. Who has taught you the most important lessons?
    My teachers have taught me the most important lessons.

  36. How have you enjoyed your time off?
    I have enjoyed my time off by relaxing and traveling.

  37. What have you been reading lately?
    I have been reading a novel about adventure.

  38. Where have you found that information?
    I have found that information online.

  39. When have you started your new hobby?
    I have started my new hobby a few months ago.

  40. Why have you changed your routine?
    I have changed my routine to be more productive.

  41. Who has motivated you to achieve your goals?
    My friends have motivated me to achieve my goals.

  42. How have they responded to your invitation?
    They have responded positively to my invitation.

  43. What have you done to improve your skills?
    I have taken online courses to improve my skills.

  44. Where have you kept your important documents?
    I have kept my important documents in a safe place.

  45. When have you met someone famous?
    I have met someone famous at a book signing event.

  46. Why have you chosen to work remotely?
    I have chosen to work remotely for a better work-life balance.

  47. Who has encouraged you to follow your dreams?
    My family has encouraged me to follow my dreams.

  48. How have you adapted to changes in your life?
    I have adapted to changes by staying flexible and positive.

  49. What have you achieved this year?
    I have achieved my goal of learning a new skill.

  50. Where have you celebrated your recent success?
    I have celebrated my recent success at a nice restaurant.

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